Monday, January 21, 2013

Life Lately!!!

We have done a pretty good job for the most part of escaping the nasty flu bugs that are going around everywhere.  Knock on wood!  However, the past few days little Ivy Jane has had a mild fever and not been quite herself.  She is still pretty happy, but not sleeping so well and wants to be held and cuddled even more than normal.  She is so sweet and I do treasure the moments I can just sit and hold her and look at her and get lost in her and not think about anything else that needs doing.  It actually brings me back to thinking about how I thought I was so busy with one little child - when Cash was a baby - and how I really could just do that if I wanted (and I did a LOT I think), and how much more busy and crazy life seems now.  But I do love the moments when it's just me and her and I get my snuggle time with my baby girl!  Stop growing so fast my little princess!

Decided to go ahead and decorate the house even if we might not be here for too long, because I couldn't stand the bare walls and horrible window treatments any longer in this home!  This rug was a great find on craigslist that I picked up last week and I love it - the room is by no means done, and will be undergoing some major changes soon so check back in the future for the finished product, but wanted to get a pic of it now anyways (and no the baby bassinet doesn't belong there).

 Bathtime at our house is a great time because all the kids love it and for the most part get along well and Ivy is a little fish and is funny to watch - the last time she actually got on her knees and was grabbing up at the soap hole and almost pulled herself to standing - I was so shocked and scared she would slip I didn't snap a photo of that!  Love her cheeks!

 This cutie loves to read, as is evidenced in this picture, and also is getting to be such a big boy and talker.  While Cash is at school each day now he and I have lots of times and he has really started talking and is so sweet - and also he is out of his crib and now into a big boy bed (or mattress at this point still)!  Where did my little baby boy go?!  My favorite phrase he says is "you're welcome!" - he says it so cute and sweetly and it brings a smile every time!

 Cash goes off to pre-school each day with his best buddy Owen and is absolutely loving it.  I love him to pieces and miss him so much when he is gone, but love learning about his day.  He is practicing reading each day with me and we have so much fun one on one time during the other 2's nap times!

So pretty much my life is very busy with my 3 little ones, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my kiddos to pieces and I am working on being more patient and not yelling (currently I am on day 3 of my no yelling at all and am hoping to go a whole month!)
Happy Monday!!!

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