Friday, September 20, 2013

It's Finally Happening!!! Potty Training Success!!!

This has been months in the coming, but every time I decide to try it just seems within the first few hours it is an absolute failure and so I have given up.  I can't count the number of accidents I had cleaned up and poopy underwear I have just thrown out with this little guy!

However, this week was different.  I decided on a different tactic to try, after discovering by accident something that might work with him, and it has actually been such a pleasant surprise as to how well it worked.  And today, just 5 days later he is pretty much totally trained, even at night somehow!  It truly is a potty training miracle!

Last week I wouldn't have thought it possible, and at the start of this week I wasn't so sure, and in fact I am still not sure I totally believe he is trained, and yet he surprises me daily! (such as this morning wanting his diaper from the night off so he could go pee!)

The trick?!
Just take all clothes off from the waist down and let him be naked and then he wouldn't go on anything!
It worked great.
We did have a little set back in Gap as he peed all over the floor (he was wearing clothes and underwear here of course) and leaving a huge puddle, and I had NOTHING to clean it or any way of fixing it so we just put him in the stroller and left.
However, overall it has been great this week and accident free!
The only thing left is really to make sure he doesn't get off the toilet before calling for help during #2!!!  Love my little Griffi beans!!!

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