Sunday, November 10, 2013

November is passing, and we are FULL of Thanks!!!

This is our month of gratitude and we have so much to be thankful for.  We have started a jar on our kitchen table where each day we write down one thing we are thankful for and put it in.  We plan on reading them all on Thanksgiving.  It has been really fun to hear the kids come up with their different ideas, and also for us as parents to be able to think about how much we have to be grateful for!

Also, we are thankful for warm park days in November.  Mom isn't so grateful for 80+ degree weather, as she loves the fall, but she is grateful the kids can play outside and we don't have to bundle up or worry about getting sick out there too much!  And the kids love playing at Cash's school big playground after we pick him up almost daily!

Ivy is our little daredevil and tries to keep up with the boys.  There is nothing she can't conquer at the park, or at least thinks there is nothing she can't do!  She scares me half to death, but she LOVES the park and squeals in such delight before going down the slides I can't help but let her go up against all those big kids.  She has learned to hold her own!

We have 3 ninjas who are always saving the day for mom!  They crack me up here - esp Ivy in her one shoe and trying so hard to do what the boys are doing!

 Hands up!

 Griffin LOVES to play with these cards he got from his Chic-file meal!  He and mom have plenty of alone time while Ivy sleeps and Cash is at school!  I treasure the time with him as it is the time of day he is usually the sweetest for me!

 Bath time is a GREAT time at our house and this little girl LOVES Bubbies (bubbles) as she calls them.  She always wants to help wash everything and everyone!  And look - she has enough hair for a little troll do!!!

 We have a LOT of dance parties - and we are grateful to be able to dance and move our bodies how we want!

 We also have great neighbors who play with the kiddos outside on the driveway almost daily.  A great present to mom as I am cooking dinner or need them to be distracted for a few.  Thanks to George, Stella, and Billy for this!  Griffin even told me Billy is his girlfriend (yes Billy is a girl!)

 We got another tree this week - a little 6 ft. one to decorate for the upstairs.  I am obsessed recently with Christmas trees and really wanted to do one in our room.  So we got it, went and got a bunch of decor for it from Michaels from the sell on saturday, and went to work.  The kids were REALLY excited - Cash was too, even tho here he doesn't look it!

 Love Ivy girls face as she watches Cash!

 The tree looks more like a Charlie Brown tree then I thought it would - guess that is what happens when it is only $40 off amazon!  Needless to say I wasn't sure I would be happy with the result.  However, we were grateful to have it and decided to just go with it

And here I am grateful my children participate in prayers and remind me even sometimes to say them.  I did peek to get the shots of them during Cash's nice prayer!

 Ivy did too apparently!

 Grateful for cleaning supplies and this new mop to get the floors a sparkling!  Ivy likes the mop too, but more as a flying tool then a working tool!

 I am grateful for the kids loving to draw and do stuff as Cash does his hw.  Griffin and Ivy often join in, and she LOVES to draw!  Here she was saying "cheese" and doing great!

 Here was our first attempt at putting things on the tree - however we waited to put the ribbon on til last and mom didn't like it so we had to take everything off and start over!

 Mom decided to add some tulle in it too for a little more white and the ribbon went on much easier without all the ornaments this time!

 The loot before it went on the tree!

 Ivy and Griff after we finished!

 Turned out fantastic!  We love Red Peppermint!!!

Grateful for the sabbath to revamp and get ready for the new week.  Here's to a much better, cold-free (hopefully) week!

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