Thursday, May 14, 2009

Best Mother's Day Present Ever........

So unlike many who received breakfast in bed, cute notes from their kids, a poem from their husbands, gifts from others etc etc..................I did not receive any of these! (i am not complaining I promise)

However, I did get surprised with something from my 9 month old son Mother's Day Morning........and it has been a gift that keeps on giving every day since. He learned and said his first word: MAMA!

It couldn't have made me more proud or happier the entire day. I think I was smiling from ear to ear all day just because...and even better, he is not snuggly at all normally either, but somehow decided to shower me with hugs and kisses (his hugs consist of pushing his head into mine, and kisses come with open mouth on my cheek or shoulder)! I will take them though, and love hearing him each morning and throughout the day as he says "mama,, maaaaaaaamaa," etc etc

It was a great Mother's Day - best yet! (and i did get flowers from my honey too)
maybe a poem next year?


Lisa said...

The gift you recieved from Cash is priceless! I remember how happy I felt when Mckenna's first word was MaMa. There is nothing better than hearing that from your sweet baby. What perfect timing!

Suzie Soda said...

Hooray! it will be fun to hear him talk. xoxoxo

MYHowderFamily said...

Yeah on the Mama!!! What a treat and surprise. It's apparent he loves you! He's at such an adorable age.

Bonnie @HobbytoHOT said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (I know it's kind of Mother's Day related . . . :) Love you and Hope you have an awesome day!

Amy and Clark said...

Yeah! That is super exciting! Way to go, Cash!
So good to talk to you today. Hope your bday ended up being a fun one and good luck on your race tomorrow!