Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It has been over 15 years since................

I GOT THE STOMACHE 24 hours flu bug!!!

We are in AZ, enjoying family vacation and having a blast, and I wake up on Monday with everything feeling fine! Go for my 2 mile walk, come back, go visit my grandparents, come back, go swimming with my sisters and Chip and Cash, come home, feeling a little sick so I eat lunch --- and then it gets BAD!!!

My stomach started hurting worse and worse and writhing in pain and NOTHING was fixing it. I even took a nausea pill I have for pregnancy, which normally works within 15 minutes and to no avail! I tried everything to get comfortable, only to have it get worse. Finally, I got in the shower and let the water just run over my back while I sat on the floor, but that didn't help either. I just felt worse and worse til finally I knew it wasn't going to get any better until..............
I threw up!!!!

Anyone who really knows me well knows I am afraid of vomit! i can NOT handle when someone else does it, can't stand the sound of it, the sight, or worst of all the smell, and I get really scared when I think I am going to throw up -- yeah, some mom I am huh? Good thing Cash has never had a single episode of this yet (knock on wood as Chip woke up this morning with what i think i had - so Cash might be next)

Anyways, I threw up, and after I realized it really wasn't so bad - and I even felt SO MUCH BETTER!!! I thought maybe I just ate bad food, but figured soon enough that was wrong. After 45 minutes I was back to feeling awful, and after 2 more vomit episodes so that I was actually just dry heaving and in so much pain i wanted to die I really was wondering if I might survive the day!

Anyways, to make a long story short, and spare you all the gross details of everything, I did end up making it and the next day felt much better. I am just worried now that Chip and Cash will get it, and Chip woke up this morning feeling sick - Charlie his dad got it at 3 am --- so I am praying that Cash doesn't get it!

Also, I hope it is more than 15 years again before it ever comes back - becuase being pregnant made it just that much WORSE!!!!



Paul*Anne*Cohen*Addison said...

Cohen totally had the same thing happen! Totally fine, wakes up from his nap, we head to Paul's doctors appointment and he pukes all over the place right in the waiting room. Gut reaction for me of course is to try and "catch" it when he pukes so I'm covered and so is he. We go wait in the car for Paul to finish and he throws up again, this time I had a plastic bag. Twice more on the way home and then once when we got home. Went to bed, didnt throw up and the next morning was totally fine! Way weird. Paul and I didnt get it thank goodness. Having a kid who cant tell you that they're about to vomit....not so fun. Glad you feel better!!

Bonnie @HobbytoHOT said...

Hope you had an AWESOME B-day friend!! I trexted you and then realized you probably don't have your phone, haha :) Love you tons hope you are feeling better.

Ryan and Cheryl Harris said...

Booo!!! I'm so sorry. That is such an awful feeling. I'll take a lot of other things before I'll take nausea. I'm glad it sounds like it only lasted about a day. And i hope Cash doesn't get it either. THat would be even worse than having it yourself.


Suzie Soda said...

When do you go back to China? xoxoxo

Adria said...

Yuck. So sorry to hear that. That's cool you got to visit home for a bit. Can't wait to hear more. Miss you guys... and of course I will help you with chairs when you're back in the States.

Yvonne said...

You poor thing. That is the worst when you are sick and not in your own space. Love your postings and lets hope that Cashman doesn't wind up with it.