Friday, May 7, 2010

When did that happen?

This morning as I was getting Cash dressed I was looking at his teeth and one looked a little funny! Upon further scrutiny I realized I think he has a chipped tooth! His front left tooth is curved funny and yet I hadn't noticed that for the last few weeks!

I then started thinking back to when he was in his time out about a month ago and was jumping in his crib and started screaming. I went in and there was blood pouring out his mouth - I checked then but thought he just bit his lip because his lip was bleeding. However, I think he did a little more - I think he chipped his tooth!

If not at this time, I have no idea when else it occurred - his cute little toothy grin is now just a little more crooked and goofy! Good thing he is so cute!
(however, I am slightly disturbed about it this morning after the realization - thank heavens it is a baby tooth!!!)

1 comment:

ROSENFAM said...

Ashley connected one of her front teeth with the edge of the barstool and it instantly knocked it out - the root was as big as the actual tooth part....thank heavens hers was a baby one too! But she will be toothless for quite a while since she still has a couple years before she starts losing teeth