Exactly 1 year ago today....half way across the world....
In a land where we didn't speak the language and healthcare is not what it is in the US.
Your mommy was terrified to give birth for fear something might happen like with Cash!
And yet....that day was exactly like it is today! Overcast, rainy, and just absolutely perfect!
You came so quickly, and yet the stars all aligned and everything went smoothly and within minutes you were in my arms, and were already taking my breath away with how sweet you are. I was looking at you then with such awe, such gratitude, and so overwhelmed with love - and I look at you today with even more love and awe at how lucky I am that you were given to me to be a part of our family. I am SOOOO glad you were born and we have had this past year to get to have you in our home.
Just hours old!
When you were placed in my arms it was one of the most spiritual experiences I have had! It is amazing to be so in love with someone within seconds of meeting them! I love you even more now!
Griffin you are the sweetest little spirit. You are ALWAYS smiling or laughing, and I love that you are my little snuggler and always giving me hugs. You let me hold you and hug you and are so mellow and easy going. You are a daddy's boy, and although sometimes I get a little sad that you don't bounce out of your seat and get so excited when you see me, I actually LOVE this about you and just am so happy you have the same excitement I feel when your daddy comes into the room. You make him feel good, and it is fun at how much of a bond you two already have. You are a great little eater, eating twice as much as Cash at each meal, and sometimes even more then me, and yet are so lean and skinny! You are very calm, but determined and when you really want something you get upset if you can't figure out how to get it. You are so cute when you are sleeping, putting your hands over your ears, or sleeping on your tummy or side and ALWAYS kicking off your blankets. You have 3 little teeth on bottom that are a little crooked, but your top 4 teeth that are just coming in are all perfectly straight and noone has a better smile than you. Your face just lights up every time you smile, your eyes crinkle up in little smiles and it is SO CONTAGIOUS!!!! I can't help but return your smile and you brighten every day with the constant grin. You don't crawl still, but scoot quickly your own way, and are very happy with your little method of transportation. You don't say anything but Mama, and you especially say it a lot when you are upset or tired. You are so easy to put to bed, and yet don't fall asleep in my arms anymore. You sometimes wave, pull yourself to standing, and grab things with your little pointer finger so cute. It has been such a great year. I can't wait for more to come and to get to hear what is going on in your mind as you start talking more. I am so grateful you are my son, so honored to call myself your mom, and I just love you SO SO SO SOOOO much! You are my little Griffi-Grew, and I am glad that 1 year ago today we got to meet and start on our journey together!!! Happy Birthday sweetheart!!!
I so wish we were there to celebrate! I'm so grateful that we have such amazing friends as you guys! Love you, and the cake is FANTASTIC!!!! You are so talented!
What a cute little boy!! He is super sweet. Happy Birthday Griffin!!
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