Friday, September 4, 2009


You know when you want something so bad you can almost taste it?

This is what I been longing for:
the crisp cool mornings of utah when I am out for an early jog
the crunchy bite of a delicious apple in the fall from an orchard up the road
the smell of a hotdog at a BYU game and the fun excitement in the air from Football season
the smell of new books
the smell of my new place of living
meeting new roommates
the butterflies in my stomache as I attend all my classes for the first time

checking out all the "potentials" in my classes and making lists of those I could date, those that would be fun to hang out with, and those that would just be fun for a NICMO (ok, i don't really miss this that much - but the semester when I met chip i do - and our super fun dating adventures fall 2005)
Meeting new friends and forming study groups

opening up my notebooks for the first time and feeling, for a brief 2 seconds, that I am going to be organized and stay on task all semester (who am i kidding? this NEVER happened)
figuring out how to squeeze in my schedule all the dance classes I want to take
going to team auditions and kicking off team socials
going shopping for my "new school clothes"
going to the library for the first time to "study"

the fun times TAing in the accounting lab - and laughing as the new jr. core students are freaking out about their first huge case study!
the feel of new sweaters, a warm jacket, and a cup of hot soup in my hand!
smell of crisp air, beautiful leaves changing, and walking around campus in the gorgeous weather
meeting up with pals at the wilk for a quick bite to eat and to discus weekend plans
people watching on campus
fall parties to kick off all the great shows that make their debut mid-september
the first trip to the testing center (i know, sick I actually liked this)
making lists and schedules for my week

getting up early and heading to the gym
working out late at night as I read my assignments for the next day (i only fell off the machines 2 times while doing pretty good considering some of my best reading moments came on a treadmill or eliptical machine)
waking up early to go to school, which at first was a dread but actually I DO LOVE
getting all my syllabi and seeing which classes I want to actually stay in
riding up to school on my scooter and not having to deal with parking
having a graduate pass to park close to the tanner building!!!!

Yep, pretty much from this list you can tell.
I am longing!
Longing to be back in school.
As if I wasn't at BYU long enough.
I know, but i just lOVE it so much!
I love school, learning, and most of all fall semester!

So, although I won't be attending BYU this fall - I am going back to school.
I am taking 1 class only from UVA.
Creative Digital Photography.
Hopefully this will fulfill some of my longing!

PS (i never actually did make lists of "potentials" at all....but everyone knows you gotta check out whose in the class and see if there is any hope of those to date!!!)
Happy fall semester to all those at my alma mater!
You are lucky - drink it all up as it will go way too fast!!!!


Hilary said...

I miss school so much too! Have fun with your class, that is a great idea :)

Suzie Soda said...

You are a RIOT. xoxoxo

Amy and Clark said...

Can't believe you just blogged about NICMOs. :)
Maybe you should make a list of all the awful parts of being in school to make you feel better!

Bonnie @HobbytoHOT said...

go stephers!