It seems weird that this year is really over! Last year on this day I was still in Utah enjoying time with family, feeling sick and nauseous from pregnancy, anticipating with excitement and yet totally scared about the unknown of moving to China and what our lives would hold, trying to keep track of my one crazy and energetic 1 year old who seemed like a lot to deal with, and gearing up for my month of single parenthood while Chip would be off to China that seemed like it came too fast, and yet didn't end fast enough!
Now that has come and gone - and I am busier than ever with 2 cute and crazy boys that keep me on my toes all the time, I have survived 2 trips back and forth to China and found I LOVED living there and even sometimes miss it still! I survived having a birth there, have the cutest souvenir to show for it, had opportunities and experiences of a lifetime, met some of my bestest friends in the whole world that I will keep forever there, came back in time to share Halloween, bless Griffin, and enjoy my November trip to Utah, had the flight home from Hell that will go down as the worst flight ever from Utah back to VA, and then had a great month again before heading off for the holidays, including a trip for Chip to China, and my sister getting to come stay with me for a week! Wo! If I had to tell you what this year would have held in store for us I would have been way off --- and I am guessing that if I had to guess what this next year would hold I probably would be even farther off! And yet, I am starting to like that. The unknown is scary, daunting, and sometimes even seems a little too overwhelming to think about - and yet I have learned I am stronger than I think sometimes, and that the surprises and adventures sometimes lead to the best things - even if they are hard and I wish I could not have to endure them sometimes! I am actually really excited about this next year and seeing where we end up! I guess I am learning to embrace change, am a master at moving now and packing up, and I am excited about the opportunities and adventures ahead.
As this year closes I can't help but also think about the past decade. Where was I at 10 years ago? It is hard to believe what has happened since then. I was just a freshman in college, with my life completely ahead of me for me to choose the path....i was loving the social part of school, not really working on the academic side at this point, hadn't even given dance a try, hadn't met sooo many of my now best friends, was living in the dorms at BYU, didn't have a clue at what I really wanted to do, and life was just great! Well, than came a years of changing majors, my awesome introduction and obsession with ballroom dancing, new friends, boyfriends, loves come and gone, broken hearts, more new majors, the accounting program, the love of my life, masters programs, internships, marriage, moves to new states, new cities, and around the world, 2 kids, and now we are at today! WO! Tons of changes, and yet a fabulous 10 years to speak of! Most of my favorite memories of my entire life are within this decade! Seriously - what an awesome era!
So now, for what will come to pass the next decade - well, hopefully a few more kids to add to the family, staying in shape and becoming a hot mama and trophy wife, sporting events of the kids, school projects, family vacations, 10 year anniversary, baptisms, Cash getting the priesthood and becoming a deacon, family reunions on both sides, settling down somewhere we want to be for a long time, decorating a house how i want to, good health and success, and staying strong in the church! These are a few of my desires for the new year. I have a list of goals I have already set and am excited to dig in and achieve them all so I can check them off my list! I LOVE checking things off my list - even if it is something as simple as "eating dinner"! If it is on there, if i get to check it off I feel great about my productivity!
So anyways - what is on your list for this next decade?
And what were you doing 10 years ago at the start of it?
I hadn't really thought of it being the end of a decade. It was fun thinking back through everything that has happened in the last 10 years. I met Kev and got married. We had our four kids. Kev finished school and we got our home. A lot can happen in 10 years. This was a great post.
Hey step!-all great goals for the next decade (except for maybe the trophy wife?!)
I can't believe how much has changed in the last 10 years and can't imagine what the next 10 will bring.
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