Monday, February 28, 2011

Burning ears!!!

So in my family my mom has always said I have elephant ears because I hear whatever anyone is saying even if I am 4 rooms away! I think my little son is the same way! If not, he at least is picking up on so many things, even things that I don't think he would understand or pick up on. It is actually very eye opening and I am realizing more and more I need to sensor what I say around him, and that I just can't make comments to Chip or friends that I might normally make when he is around!

Right now he is in the phase where he is really into distinguishing boys vs. girls. He is especially interested in chests, or boobies, as he calls them and talking about them. After he tried to grab all of my friends and mine one night Chip set him down and had a talk with him about that not being ok and that we don't touch, talk about, or ask about other peoples. Anyways, he seemed to understand and has since been much better.

Well, a week ago we were at the outlets and I was with him while Chip had Griffin at another store. As we walked out I told him to hold my hand and off we set. Then, out of nowhere, and EVER SO LOUDLY - Cash yells out "we DON'T touch boobies, JUST hands....and NOT butts, JUST legs!" It was actually hilarious, but a little embarrassing to me as a bunch of people looked at us and he kept repeating it. Oh well - I guess he learned!

He is learning so much more too, and so after this rendition I didn't think much and have tried to be better. Then, last Saturday we were watching the BYU basketball game together as a family (go cougars - awesome game) and a commercial came on. I, not even thinking that Cash was sitting right there and would be listening - made a comment about a girl on the screen to Chip - saying she had big boobs (they were taking up the whole screen and it was just kind of shocking I think is why I said it) Anyways, Cash then looked at me and said "mommy, don't say that! It is a bad word". I said "i am sorry Cash, I shouldn't have said it" realizing that I needed to not say comments like that around him and trying to quickly change the subject. Well, then Cash looked back and me, turned to Chip and said "They're fake".

What? Seriously? My 2 year old just commented on that! I realize I better REALLY pay closer attention to exactly what I am saying, and more what I am talking about in front of my kids - for they pick up on WAY MORE THEN WE THINK!!!!!

Cash picks up on a ton and then uses big words and sentences at times that are so funny. I need to be better at writing them all down. He is super smart, and I just am blown away at the level of understanding he has. Oh I love this little boy!


merathon said...

okay, i am dying at the "they're fake" comment! that is just TOO hilarious!

Brent and Britta said...

I seriously just laughed out loud to that entire post. I had to read it to my sister -it was THAT funny! Kids say the funniest stuff!