Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day 2012!!!

Valentines Day here in Beverly Hills was a little different this year then in previous years!
Usually I think of going out on a hot date with my husband, chocolate covered strawberries, and then getting takeout and eating by candlelight while we read our new list of 100 reasons we love each other and the kids are off to sleep......but somehow that was far from what our day actually was like!

Instead, I ended up hunched over in an aisle of Target dry-heaving, trying to make sure I actually didn't vomit on the floor from the horrible nausea of my pregnancy! I know, I have seemed to complain about this a lot lately, especially to those who talk to me on the phone......and yes, I am STILL feeling crappy every day, with headaches and nausea, and yes I would like it to go away...but I am realizing probably this is going to last the entire pregnancy! So we still decided to go ahead with other plans we had made, regardless of my many bouts of sickness throughout the day! (it was an exceptionally bad day sick wise for me :( )

The kids were excited for our cookie decorating and pizza making....and we did manage to do both, even homemade both things which was a great feat for me! I have NEVER made homemade pizza on my own before - probably because I don't own a pizza pan, but it was actually fun and turned out delicious - and the cookies were fun for Cash to decorate! Then we did dip a few strawberries for daddy - and get him a card and some of our favorite treats from when we were in China - Hi-Chews!!! So all in all, it was a good day full of love and time together - for me and the kids that is! They are both really sick with colds too so they were ready for bed the moment daddy arrived home (he was stuck in traffic for over an hour coming home which delayed him a bunch and caused him to miss our dinner and all our festivities!)

So we put the kids to bed, and read the list I had made for Chip of 100 reasons why I love him......and then I promptly fell asleep 5 minutes into my massage from him and that was how our night ended! So much for a romantic dinner and time spent for us- guess that's just how it goes when you got sick kids who keep you up at night, a sick pregnant wife, and a work-aholic right?! Oh well, the most important part is that we have a great little family and we love each other and we did all tell each other that so I think the important part was done! I love my 3 boys!!!

Cash was so excited about all our cookies - he listed off who we could give them to! First he was excited to give one he had especially made for Cathy, our maid! She liked it but I think she might have thought the toppings were a little much! :)

Cash also colored some hearts for Cathy and Daddy to express his love! I asked why he did some black and he said he thought they looked cool!
A blurry pic of our chocolate dipped strawberries and Hi-chews -- both were delicious!

Can you pick out which one Cash made for himself - and which one is for his daddy?
He wanted a picture of him doing a funny face!
Our pizza with a heart made out of pepperonis!!! It tasted divine! (and that's coming from someone who doesn't even like pepperonis!)

Happy Valentines Day!

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