Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Funny Kids...and What They Have Said Recently!!!

Kids are so funny, and lately I have numerous things they have said or done that I would like to write down.....so here are a few that I just think are the best!!!

One night Griffin would NOT go to sleep and was crying and screaming and just wanted his daddy.  After realizing he wasn't going to stop crying and listening to Cash yell "Stop crying Griffin, stop right now!!!" (numerous times) I went in to try to help and yet he wouldn't even take a binky.  Upon entering Cash started crying and said "mom, I told him to stop but he wasn't listening to me!"  At first I was super calm and patient and was trying to get him to just be happy, even if it meant getting him out, but after he threw himself onto his back on the floor, hit his own head on the crib, and just was carrying on I was losing patience.  Finally, in an attempt to be somewhat funny and also out of frustration I said "Griffin, do you just want me to throw you out the window?"  Cash immediately burst into tears and then said "mom mom, (throwing his hands up as stop signs towards me) please please PLEASE don't throw Griffin out the window.  He's my only brother and if you throw him out I won't have one and I love him and he is my favorite! Please don't!"  He was shaking he was sobbing so hard, and although it was actually so sweet and in a way very sad, I found it quite funny too.  Griffin still was crying and later I said "fine, Grffin let's go (meaning I would take him downstairs to Chip)" but Cash thought I meant I was throwing him out the window and the whole thing happened again.  He is the sweetest boy and no matter how much Griffin drives him crazy is always concerned about him and wants him to be happy!  I am glad he loves him so much!  It was a pretty funny, and tiring night!  Luckily right after this Griffin calmed down and went to sleep - without having to go out the window!

We went over to our friend's house yesterday to go swimming, and Cash came in and said "Katherine  -  I been meaning to ask you - what are the rules to your swimming pool!"  It was hysterical and she replied with "this is why I love you Cash!" (the pool is a little sandbox thing that can hold like 1 ft. of water and it 3 ft. by 3 ft. in case you are wondering.  It was so funny!

Also on this outing to her house I realized I hadn't asked Cash about his article of faith he had learned on Sunday night at FHE.  So when he came in I asked if by chance he knew the first article of faith.  He then recited it to us perfectly!  It wasn't so much funny as SUPER IMPRESSIVE!  The kid is a sharp cookie!

He surprises me daily with things he remembers or has learned and his memory is amazing!  Gotta be on my toes with him for sure!

He is ALWAYS making us laugh and this last week was no exception. Our favorite memory of him this week is that he had bitten Cash while playing and so Chip sent him to his time out chair.  At first he went running over to it with a smile on his face - as he almost ALWAYS does - but then he got up on it and was sitting there when all of a sudden we heard him crying.  It was the most FAKE cry I have ever heard.  I looked around the corner and realized he indeed was fake crying.  It was actually hysterical and so Chip and I busted out laughing too.  Then when I looked he had hidden his face into the chair and was actually laughing, but trying to hide that he was laughing.  This made me laugh harder.  After we had stopped he stopped too and tried to get off his chair and come out of time out.  I said "no Griffin get back on your chair", to which he climbed back up and started to fake cry all over again!  It was one of the funniest moments we have had and all of us were laughing in the end.  

It is actually really hard to discipline Griffin because he always just smiles and laughs and says "sorrwwweee" and gives you a hug and then smiles more.  I can't really stay mad at his cute little face for long when he does this.  He laughs constantly at a TON of silly things and causes us all to laugh a lot more than we otherwise would.  He has started speaking more and it's funny to heard his little high pitched "no way" and "yep" that he always does.  Gotta love it!

She doesn't talk much but is just so cute and sweet and we love her too! Can't wait to hear what she will come up with!

All the kids were in orange yesterday so we took a few pictures!

 Yesterday was a little rough but we managed and I do love these 3 crazy monkeys!  I was HAPPY to walk out the door tho and have a break at my zumba class last night, and then come home to a quiet house!

We tried out her little music play mat and she loved it - so much she pulled her bow down around her head like this - but look how cute she is!

 I love my little chubby cheeked girlie!

 ruffly bum!

 pure sweetness!

 love my baby!

1 comment:

Amy and Clark said...

Very sweet post. Can't believe how your kiddos are growing up so!