Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall Fun!!!

If there is a season I LOVE - it is FALL!!!!
I love everything about it - from the back to school feel (still wishing I was back at my good ole alma mater every year), to the soups and yummy baked goods with either apple, peach, or pumpkin flavored items, football games, crisp cool air (in places other than where I am living right now!), fall clothes and layers, and ALL the holidays!  I just love FALL!!!
I also love conference!  This year I didn't enjoy it quite as much as I was so drugged up after my surgery and in pain and sick with a cold so I slept through a bunch, and what I didn't sleep through I had to try to keep my kids quiet so I could hear - so instead I am listening to a talk a day and I am loving that now!  Anyhow- during the break on Saturday Chip took the boys to the Manhattan Beach fair - and they had a great time!

What are they looking at here?

 Just a hen - can't believe my boys are so close to a live thing! (I am afraid of most animals)

 The highlight of the fair?!  Cash met a real live Pirate - and he just might have told him that he was going as Captain Jack Sparrow this year for Halloween!!!

Happy Fall Day!!!
We are getting excited for Halloween soon too!
What you gonna dress up as?!

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