Wednesday, August 28, 2013

All In the Perspective!!!

To some the pictures below might be super boring, gross, scary, or just a complete waste of time looking at.  But to me, with my new hobby of photography, they are awesome because in shooting this little spider I learned a lot about my camera and aperture and depth of field and what I was trying to practice.  When I saw this Griffin wanted to just kill the spider and ruin the web, but to me it was a photo op and I quickly grabbed my camera and went to work.  I loved looking at the web through the lense, as it brought to life the work of this little "scary spider" as Cash was calling it!  Pretty amazing that it could spin something like this!  So delicate, perfectly spaced and actually very pretty.  

I am loving reading my photography book and practicing and figuring out how it works. It is fun being behind the lense and looking at things differently!

I am trying to do this in life too - I am trying to look at things from others' perspective more, especially my kids, and see things their way so that I understand them better and see them differently.  I am trying to look at them through the "lense" where they are the best they can be and seeing them for that, instead of what I am bothered with or upset about or annoyed with.  I am trying to look at others and see what they are doing in life that is good and beautiful and not think of them as out to get me.  This perspective makes me happier, have better days, and see the world through new eyes!
Enjoy the spider!!!

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