You would think all this bouncing in the videos below, which sometimes goes on for an hour at a time, would help wear my little guy out so he would sleep through the night (especially when the hour he jumps is right before bed time)! Well, not the case - this past week has been the worst week of sleep in our house since Cash was born! I thought it was cured when 2 nights ago he only woke up once, then back to bed until 10 am sunday morning.....however, last night it was back to reality, waking up ALL through the night, and one exhausted and grouchy mama this morning!!! He goes to bed fine on his own between 9:30 and 10 pm; in fact, we just put him in bed awake and he will put himself to sleep - it is from 1 am on when the problems begin!!! Help me please! What are your tricks for getting your infants to go back to sleeping through the night!
Every time we had sleep problems we put Blake to bed earlier. It might seem counter intuitive, but it totally works. Right now is normal bed time is 7:00, but sometimes we push it to 6:30 and it helps even with him taking naps. I would try and earlier bedtime. I am so sorry for the lack of sleep. It can be so frustrating. Good luck!!
Ditto Megs comment -- the earlier the better! 7pm is magic hour in this house, and always has been. When my boys were as young as Cash, I wouldn't let anything get in the way of my childs sleep.
Hope you can get some rest soon!
Hey, I didn't know you like India.Arie? She is my fave! Have loved her for years!
So basically my advice is the same as Megan's. Put him to bed early like 7. It toally works wonders. Also it helps to establish a bedtime routine so they know it is goodnight for all night. With Addie it was giving her a bath and then singing her some songs. We still do it...with a few additions now like family prayer. It will slowly help them recognize that it is bed time. I would also suggest letting him cry it out for a bit instead of getting him out of the crib when he wakes up during the night. Good luck!
a big YES on putting him to be earlier. It doesn't seem right, but REALLY, it works! when they are over tired, or over stimulated, it is harder for them to sleep. I"m sure it makes it hard for Chip to see him ever since he gets home later, but you will most likely be sleeping through the night in no time. Get the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. I swear by it!!! Let me know if you have any more Q's.
i have the same advice as everyone else-- early bedtime! i also swear by the healthy sleep habits, happy child book. . . i even posted about it a little while ago! you also don't want to let them sleep in till 10 am, but putting him to bed earlier should help with that too! i understand your pain, but it DOES get better and all your efforts will be so worth it!
I am SORRY. Being tired makes everything harder. Good luck. I think your friends had good advise. I am also a big believer in 7:00 bed time. The book your friend merathon mentioned is good. I also like Baby wise.
Good luck with your biggest looser group too. You can't have that much to lose.
ditto ditto ditto. Healthy sleep habits happy child literally save my life. If he is like my kids it will take time and be a lot of hard work. But eventually you'll get some sleep.
Is he teething? I've had similar issues with Keely but she is waking up because her teeth are killing her. I just put orajel on her gums and put her right back to bed. Good luck!!!
that's freakin awesome
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