Friday, March 19, 2010

Easy come..............................Easier go!!!

So when we moved here I got an Iphone.
Chip got a new one, and I got his old one.
Initially I told him I didn't want it, and that i would rather just have another flip phone.
However, he convinced me I would like it, and So i decided to give it a try!

I have never been all about the hype these phones have caused, and really didn't care if I had one or not - so it was NOT a big deal - and at first (i know, crazy)- i didn't even really like it.

However, after 2 weeks I realized how great they are! I had apps to help me get around this place I don't know, a camera for quick pics of Cash when I am out and don't have my big one with me, currency conversions, weather info, google maps, and all sorts of other good things! In fact, I grew to really love this phone!

Well, yesterday, after a great morning of taking Cash to a fun play area, eating out at a great new favorite place, going to the fuits/veggies markets and getting all our produce, and walking 35 minutes back home with our McDonalds icecream - something bad happened.

To make a long story short, I stopped outside Walmart to see if the guy selling DVDs had the movies we wanted, and the guy stole my phone. I set it down for 30 seconds to look, a lady distracted us with Cash, and when I realizeed I left it there we ran back only to have them say it wasn't there and act like I was an idiot. I spent the next 4 hours with my friend (thank you Rian) who speaks chinese and had her phone to call it so we could hear it if she called and it was in his pocket - but bam - just like that it was gone!

I am SO sad for this loss! I was sick about it, and Chip had his secretary write a text in chinese saying we were tracking it and if they called in 30 minutes we would give Cash reward! But no luck!

This once object I cared little about but had come to love is gone forever! To make it worse, they are $1000 US dollars here - so won't be getting another one anytime soon!
So sad over this loss - and to think a little piece of technololgy could get a womant to cry!

Well, now the tears have come and gone and I realize pregnancy really does make me scatterbrained! I have lost numerous things since being pregnant this time, and i Hate it - can't wait to get my mind back - hopefully!

On a happier note - I got some great deals today tho on some new little kicks for Cash - pair of Nikes and a pair of addidas - both for about $15! That brings me a smile after the rain of yesterday! Happy weekend all!


Unknown said...

What a big jerk! Kev's sister is here and is showing off her iphone, Kev really really wants one and I am coming around, they seem super awesome, sorry in china they are 1000, no wonder the idiot stole it!

Smithclan said...

Ummmm, you won't get your mind back, each pregnancy they steal your mind. Imagine how the Duggar mom feels!! I'm sorry your phone got stolen, that's terrible!!

Adria said...

That is sad. I guess just think of it as another adventure to add to the others. Man, you have a lot of adventures.

Hannah Brown said...

OH HOW I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!!!!!! OMG this brought back memories of when mine was stolen! i'm soo sorrry!i was kinda the opposite, i only wanted a stupid iphone, but now that i've had one and it's gone i realize i can live without it! (maybe if my dad upgrades and heidi leave we'll have an extra iphone!!)but who knows heidi's screen is cracked....

Suzie Soda said...

So sorry for your technological loss......big bummer.
Hope for a better week. xoxoxo

Bonnie @HobbytoHOT said...

how did kimmie do? love you. so happy you are adjusting and finding peace. know that we love you :)

Tammy said...

maybe you could order one online for cheaper and have it shipped? I can't wait until the world is all honest!

Rian Krommenhoek said...

Anytime you need a little translation I'm your girl. Thank you so much for all your help in adjusting to this new world. I don't know what we would have done without you.