Monday, January 23, 2012

Rainy Day!

When both kids are sick with colds and it is rainy in this city, there isn't much we can go do.....and without many of their toys and things from home mom is left to come up with something a little creativity and some scissors and cereal boxes later we had a fort, a shield and a sword, and then with some toilet paper made some pretty awesome bombs and bullets to play forts and good and bad guys! This guy was pretty excited about it!

Griff fell asleep at 10:45 am, which is so abnormal for him and is out cold. Hopefully he sleeps this cold right out of his system because I had some fun things planned for us to go do/see this week here in Cali! Guess it was too much partying last week for the kids at Grandma's house!
Here they were super excited to light off these cool lanterns one night with aunt Becky - just like on Tangled!!! So much fun!!!

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