Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Brown Scoot!!!

When Cash was 11 months old I took a video of him doing the scoot. He never really crawled, but rather scooted to get things he wanted. I was excited that Griffin would crawl and have been waiting for him to get to this stage. Today, I noticed that he was in the same outfit as Cash was in his video, and although a month younger (Griff is 10 months as of Friday) they are very similar!
In fact, they both do a scoot instead of crawling.
We decided while my family was here this weekend it must be a genetic thing - and none of the Rosen kids ever scooted - so it must be a gene from the Brown side!

Enjoy the Brown scoot!
(I couldn't get the other video to download but it is in the blog posts of July 2009)

1 comment:

Suzie Soda said...

So funny..he is a cuite. xoxo