Friday, July 23, 2010

Thursday Thoughts of Thankfulness

So Today I found myself frustrated and feeling pity for myself over something!!! As I sat thinking about how sorry I was for my terrible predicament - I started thinking I really shouldn't be feeling this way at all!!!
I have been reading a book that is changing much of how I view the world and it talks a TON about Attitude, and being more "in the moment" and not dwelling on the past or future but living in the here and now. I am trying to do that, and to be more grateful for all my blessings. Thus, I just wanted to write a few of my grateful things I have been feeling lately if for no other reason to remind myself that really my life is good and to stop feeling frustrated and look at the bright happy side of things - after all, there is a lot to be hap (for you emily) about!!!
I am SO grateful for the healthy and easy recovery I am having for this pregnancy!
I am grateful for a husband who comes home each night and wants to do something fun with our ALMOST 2 year old so I can have a break!
I am thanksful for great friends and family whose phone calls make my day, and keep me sane sometimes from babytalk that I do all day long!
I am thankful for a baby who sleeps 23 hours a day and rarely cries!
I am grateful to be able to already fit in my favorite pair of jeans (altho not quite as good as I would like - but hey, i got them zipped so pretty awesome and exciteing)
I am thankful for good health, and for my family's good health - a TRUE BLESSING!
I am thankful for fruit and veggies being so cheap here and getting to eat watermelon and pineapple EVERY day!
I am grateful my son LOVES to tell me "i read the book of mormon mommy" and is excited about it!
I am grateful for life and will try to live it more fully each day!
Yeah - I could go on and on and already feel better - my life is good and I can stop the self-pity - it really doesn't do me any good - oh, and it won't change the fact I am not coming back to the US as early as I had planned!!
What are you graetful for?


Phyllis said...

I'm grateful for a beautiful daughter who has learned to find ways around disappointments. I LOVE that you are choosing your attitude! Makes me want to do better myself. What a great person you are. And what a great mommy you are!!!!

KESLER KREW...Cami said...

hey steph just wanted to send you a shout out and say, i feel ya! i think sometimes its okay to not be so grateful for things...hard times or lonely times or frustrating times makes us stronger people and i think helps us grow and be able to relate to other people better. and for me its always reassuring and strengthening to see people around me who can relate to me and help me remember that sometimes times are tough, and its okay. its hard being away from family...ive never been overseas, even though at times it felt like it. so go easy on yourself...
im grateful for today, because it is almost 3pm and i am still in my pjs...cant remember the last time that happened.
im grateful for chips & salsa.
im grateful i can hear my little girls laughing & playing
luv ya *cami