Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dec. 12: Nutcracker and Peppermint bark!!!

Advent bag day 12 said to make a treat with mom, and go choose out our nutcracker!  Cash has wanted a nutckracker since the season began, and has had his eye on a special brown one with an ax at Joanns. Every time we go there he asks if we can get it, so upon opening the bag and reading the activity he was elated!  He was jumping up and down and just so excited!  Griffin was also excited and just wanted to hold one too the entire store trip.  I explained we would get just and ONLY 1 and it would be to share.  They seemed to understand, but upon leaving Griffin had a bit of a break down that it was only 1.  However, upon getting home Cash was so sweet and let Griffin hold it a LOT of the time.  We also chose out to do peppermint bark snowflakes and got the package at Joanns and brought it home!
What a yummy and fun day!!!

 Getting it just right!

 When we were finished Cash asked if he could take a picture of me with one of them - since we rarely have photos of me these days I obliged - and these were taken via Cash!  The first was a little dark since it was so light behind me so I traded places with him -- and yes, it tastes incredibly delicious!!!  We delivered one to Cash's friend who was turning 5 on 12-12-12!!! (awesome bday right?!)

 Our nutcracker named "Guardian"! (per Cash)

 Griffin cried and threw a fit when Cash held it and I told Cash he didn't have to give it to Griffin but he said he didn't want him to cry and he wanted to make him happy so he happily and willinginly gave it to his brother!  What a sweetheart!
Griffin with the beloved nutcracker....which they broke only a few minutes later (lucky the hot glue fixed it already!)

 My two happy boys!  What a great pair!!!

 Happy December Day!!!

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