Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December Days...and our Nativity Project!!!

It is very different for us to live in a place where we can still enjoy going to the park in December.  Yesterday we had a great time with a bunch of our friends at a big park.  Ivy loved it because she got her first chance in the swings!  She didn't want to get out! (altho she only wanted to look right at Cash swinging next to her so getting a pic was hard!)  Isn't she a cute?! I am not loving the fact it gets dark here at 4:30 pm.  Makes it feel SO LATE before we even get to dinner!

 When we got home we heard sirens and policemen outside our house and so went out to see what all the fuss was.  That was when we saw the sleigh and Santa!  Cash was so excited he wanted to run and see - so we hurried along (leaving Ivy's coat, boots, and hat inside that we had just taken off from the park!)  Griffin was crying and didn't want to get up in the sleigh for a picture so Mrs. Claus asked me to get up with him and she would take the pic!  Awesome - altho Griffin still was crying and not sure about it and wouldn't look at the camera because he was making sure Santa didn't get him!  Cash on the other hand told Santa just what he wanted for Christmas--- Cars from the Disney Store from Cars 2, a BYU sweatshirt, and an Ipad! (sheesh already it is beginning....sigh)  Then Cash asked why Santa was missing teeth and looks different then he does on the video he sent him from the North Pole, and also where were his reindeer because the sleigh was being pulled by a car instead?  He thought maybe the reindeer were sick like in the book we have!  Smart boy I have folks!

 We are doing Advent bags once again and this year instead of gifts or treats every day most days we have an activity to do together.  Last night's said "Write letters to Santa and letters to Christ for FHE!"  We did that - letters about what we are good at, what we are working on, and what we would like from Santa, and then letters to Christ of 3 things we are giving him during the Christmas season.  I loved this activity and it was great to hear what the kids came up with and think about what I can give my Savior. Helps us focus more on the true meaning of Christmas!

 Lately we have had some pretty early mornings with the kiddos at our house, but this morning was actually not too early, and they are also really great times when the kids are happy and loving each other.  These two are quite the pair and Griffin lets Ivy clobber him and pull on him and love him and he giggles and giggles, which makes her laugh and it is way too cute.  He talks baby to her and she adores him!  I love the way they interact and how much fun they bring to our home!

 Ivy spends time playing and eating everything these days!  And Cash loves to see where his Elf on a Shelf is each day!  Griffin has one too and it is a fun part, and helps me keep them doing what they should right now!

 Take 2 with the Christmas present was fun!  Ivy is So stinking cute and is by far my best present of the year!

 She loves to eat anything, including the paper!

 The boys were trying to get her to smile while I shot these!

 Love this one and the light hitting her face.....thanks Kelly for the great tips for my camera! 

 Discovering the tree!

 Rolling around underneath!  And sitting on her own!

 She has pretty much mastered sitting and has started to push onto her knees and seems to want to crawl soon!  Maybe she'll be my first crawler! :)

Santa baby! 

 Last week on pinterest I saw this great nativity out of felt and decided to do it with the kids.  It was A LOT more work than I anticipated....but already has been totally worth it.  Cash has played with it non-stop since we made it, and each day asks for a new piece that will go with the story.....so yesterday we made a donkey, and today he wants to add a bread and goat cheese in a little linen sack.  I love that he wants to play and talk about the story ALL day long.  He played with this yesterday for probably 6 hours and he couldn't be more excited to be a wise man at our church party this Saturday.  He has been telling me each day that at 4 pm on Saturday we have to go there, he doesn't need a costume because they have them, and he is going to be the tall wise man like we made here (in green below with the king hat).  He has also watched videos of the birth of the Savior and this has helped us talk about what Christmas is really about!  We love it!

Teaching G about the baby Jesus!

 G showing Cash his favorite wise man!

 Attempting to get both to look at the camera!

 Close up of the nativity and our awesome felt people!

Have a great December Day!!!


Lindsey said...

The felt nativity turned out so great! O need to make one of those! And Ivys little hat and boots are to die for!

Phyllis said...

Great pictures. Your nativity set is wonderful. And your children are darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brent and Britta said...

I love that long Santa hat! So cute!

hillary and britton said...

great job on the nativity. Ivy looks so cute with that long santa hat.