Friday, June 15, 2012

Can't Be Over Yet!!!

For the last 5 months i have been looking forward to having my sister and mom come out to help me after the baby was born!  It is hard to believe that it is already coming to an end! Kimmy left Wednesday and Grammy leaves next Tuesday.  I am going to be lost without them.  They have been SOOOOO helpful, so much fun, and I have gotten used to having them and won't know what to do without them. I am trying to convince my mom she needs to stay, and Chip keeps offering her more money to try to get her to stay....but I think she actually wants to get back to her life - as life with 3 little ones is hard! :)

Anyhow, we have LOVED having them here, and wish they could stay forever! (or at least til Ivy Jane turns 3 maybe)

Cash so happy Grammy is here!

Showing off their tongues to Grammy!

Proud big brother!

Always wanting to hold her and look at her!

She likes him too, she promises :)

Griff loves Aunt Kimmy!

another tongue tied moment!

The only picture we have of Chip getting to hold his little princess.....he doesn't get many chances with so many others who want too.....and when he gets back he won't hardly recognize her I don't think!

Cash showing Grammy how fast he can run!

Splash pad fun - we go there a LOT!

Warming up from the cool water!

Aunt Kimmy hanging out at the Splash pad!

Ivy enjoyed a nice nap at the splash pad while we all got wet!

Griffin at the park!

Cash learned to climb this ladder all by himself!  Wahoo!

Sleeping Beauty!

Hanging with the boys before bedtime!

Griff and Grammy hanging with little missy!

look this way please!

so peaceful!

Cash before getting the tail cut off and a hair cut!

After - and no tears even with this hair cut!

The BEST Grammy there is!

She is a pro at snuggling, holding, bouncing, and calming down an infant!

Ivy Jane loves her Grammy too!

We crafted a bunch while they were here too - bows for Ivy, and latin dresses for kimmy!

Bubble time!


Come back Kimmy!!!

So much fun!!!

Ivy Jane and Gram!

My sweet kiddos!

Something about a sleeping baby is just so calming!

My favorite!

Griff enjoying his Jimmy Johns sandwich!

Tasty and huge!

Yes! He did eat his ENTIRE sandwich!

Outfit from Grandma Betty!


LOVE her!

Cute buddies at the splash pad on a date with their mommy!

My 3 cute kiddos at 7 am this morning!

Decked out in pearls!!!

Happy Father's Day weekend everyone!
We will be celebrating next weekend when Chip is back with us!
Thanks Grammy and Kimmy for ALL you have done for us while here and for how much fun we get to have with you! We love you and wish we were closer ALL the time!!!

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