Saturday, June 9, 2012

Week one random photos and move updates!!!

Well, life is definitely different around here!  Adding child #3 is much more of a transition than when we had #2.  Partly because Chip and I are now outnumbered, and partly because Griffin is a LOT more rough with our new little princess.  He isn't going through a jealous stage or trying to be mean, or anything like that - but he is showing her a LOT of very very VERY TOUGH LOVE!!!  He wants to look at her, touch her, pull her ears, pull her fingers, kiss on her, hold her, swing her, throw her his toys, etc etc.  He just CAN'T help himself around her and so I have to either hold her or put her in something up high where he can't reach her.  I think he is FINALLY starting to get a little bit better with it during week 2, but we still have a ways to go, and I feel I am her constant defender against all his love.  Not to mention Cash and him caught colds and passed them on to her and me and that hasn't been so fun.  But overall her brothers are so loving and sweet and we are all happy to have her.  The photos are just random shots taken all during her first week of life!

I have NEVER seen a baby who smiles as much as she does from the first day in her sleep.  This looks like she is fully laughing, and she does similar smiles all day long as she sleeps! Oh to have such great dreams right?!

Her first bath was a major success, despite Griffin throwing a gold coin at her head (luckily it missed!)  She loved the water and didn't cry at all.  Just enjoyed!

I love how good and clean babies smell after their baths!

so cute and sweet sucking on those clean fingers!

 We went on her first walk....and it did wait til the last 5 minutes to have a total downpour on us, but it was great and she was covered!

 Cash was really excited to take her for a walk!  2 strollers, and 3 kids and Kimmy and I survived!

In the bath after playing in the rain - next Micheal Phelps?!

Griffin is SO funny these days, and despite his toughness with Ivy Jane I still can't help but smile when I am around him.  He makes me laugh daily and is my little snuggle bunny!

waking up in the morning and laying on my shoulder!

looks like she posed herself here right?

Cash is a great help to me and loves to hold her.  He does pretty well!

"Take a pic of me and Ivy mom, please please"

so much love!

showing off another new bow mommy made for her....and look at those full lips!!!  So sweet!

 The sky after another rainstorm - so beautiful I loved the light coming through the clouds!

dressing her up and practicing some poses for the photo shoot she then had last saturday!

baby toes are the cutest!


Aunt Kim holding her at dinner last Sunday!

Love little sleeping bundles!

More hugs and kisses!

Such a proud big brother!

cute chubby cheeks!

more practice shots!

more bath pictures.....somehow they moved down here!

playing around with my camera!


One of my all time favorites!!

And so week 2 is almost over and it is crazy to think how fast they have gone.  I am trying to get things under control and find a schedule, and so far pretty good.  She only wakes up once a night most nights, and at most 2 and just eats and goes back.  I have been very blessed with good sleeping babies and I hope she continues with this pattern.  She is the sweetest, cutest little baby and I can just sit and hold her for hours.  I love to snuggle her and just watch her stretch and wiggle and move.  My mom and sister have been out here helping and I honestly DO NOT know what I will do without them when they leave.  They are so great to play with my boys and help out with anything and make my load and stress as a mom so much lighter!  I love watching them with my kids and my kids ADORE them!!!

And finally.........our big news of where we are moving again!!!  Well, it is true, we are moving back to California the end of this month probably (still no date yet) and so yes, I will have moved 3 times while pregnant, and then another time before the baby is 1 month old!  We are crazy!  Chip is taking the job with the company he worked for from January-April and so we are going back to Southern California.  It is a bit surreal still and so I don't think about it too much.  Thank heavens we will have packers and movers to help us because if not I might just go crazy!!!  Anyhow, hopefully we will find a place to live this week and can update you all on that soon too!  Happy Saturday!!!

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