Thursday, June 21, 2012

Life with 3 Kids!!!

We have only been solo without help for 2 days now, but so far we are doing ok!!!  We even have gone out and done things each day! (gasp)  With one it took me forever to adjust, with 2 it didn't seem so big a change, and with 3 it has seemed overwhelming, and yet when I go do things I realize I can, in fact, do ok on my own.  I don't think I will brave the  grocery store for awhile, or even think about the mall alone or something like that where I really need 2 strollers or carts to survive, but we can get along each day alone, and even do some fun things.  So far we have went to the park, went to the wading pool, went to a friends, went through the drive-thru and then had a fun picnic, and hung out a lot reading books, playing games, singing songs, and taking turns holding Ivy Jane.    Yes, I realize that people can actually not just manage but have a lot of fun with 3 little kiddos, and we are trying to pack in all we can and take advantage of VA before we have to leave it for good!!!

Our first outing to the park by our house.  The boys showed me all the fun things they can do that they learned when Grammy was here and went with them daily!!!

Griffin made a new friend.....or rather she tried to take care of him, and IVY too - I kept telling her to just look and NOT touch my baby....and I thought Griffin was bad ;)

Ready to race down!

I didn't get pictures at the wading pool because a little too busy trying to make sure the two boys were ok and not drowning and Ivy was happy in her stroller and not sweating so bad.  However, I did take a bunch of the kids at home!!!

All 3 of my lovies!

Kisses for baby girl!

He was so happy to be holding her, and wants to ALL the time!

My favorite one!

While I was feeding Ivy Griffin decided to sit on my lap too, and put the blanket over his head and read a book under there - this kid is way too funny and always keeps me laughing!

This sweet little girl might just be the chunkiest of all my babies.  She is only 3 weeks but has grown so fast and is already starting to fill out those cheeks and thighs.  She is such a good little baby and we love her tons!

She doesn't love her swing as much as I wish but she does sometimes get in for a little bit so we took a picture - and sadly her bow was off in all these but normally she has one on her head.  

As great as it is we can survive on our own,  I LOVE the help from others I have received and we are SO EXCITED that daddy is coming home soon to spend time with us!!!  His cross country commutes have been rough on all!!!  And this little girl pretty much would like to be held by her daddy!!!
Have a great weekend!!!

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