Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kid Photoshoot for Father's Day Present

Chip has asked before to have pictures of the kids printed off so that he can have some to hang in his office.  I was trying to decide what to give him for Father's Day and decided the perfect thing would be that very thing, framed and put in.  So I picked up my camera with my tips I have taken from my friend out here and decided to give it a go myself and take some.  It is VERY STRESSFUL trying to pose 3 kids 3 and under, have them all look at the camera, and have any turn out great, but surprisingly our short 10 minute session turned out some great ones......and despite that Ivy Jane was hungry and crying the whole time we even got one with all 3 looking and it is my favorite.  I am no professional, and I was sweating profusely by the end of it, which didn't last long anyways as I said before it was like a 10 minute shoot before Ivy needed to eat, Griffin was doing somersaults and turning the room into chaos, and Cash had changed his clothes back to other ones.......but here they are!

First shot - LOVE Griff's face, wish Cash was looking up!

one of my VERY FAVORITES!!!

fun ones with their personalities!



First shot with Ivy Jane - hmm....she is falling over!

At this point she needed calming down cuz already screaming!


Tried to just crop it and have him! Love that smile!

 Another awesome one!

Love this of Cash and wish I could put it with the top one of Griffin - I NEED photoshop!

Favorite of all 3 where Ivy is NOT crying!

Loving sister!

She is NOT happy again!

Cash is stressed, Griff is fine smiling and saying Cheese still!

Cash wants someone to help her!!!

3 beautiful kids!

Griff wanted to hold her!

Love my Griffi beans!!!

so happy and smiley!!!

Cash has probably the sweetest heart of anyone I know - he always tries to do what I ask - I wish he would have shown some teeth in his smile here, but he was trying very hard to pose as I ask - LOVE this boy!!!

And that's a wrap!  I love how the frame with 3 pictures looks - and can't wait for Chip to get home tonight and open it up!!!  


Shawn and Megan said...

Oh my goodness these turned out so great! Seriously looks like a professional did them! I just want to come snuggle all three kiddos and see those smiles in person!

Ryan and Cheryl Harris said...

Good work Steph!! That is impressive especially with no one there to help and place kids and make them smile. Your kids are so cute and you can see their little personalities in the different pics.

Let's catch up soon. Sorry I disappeared on our g chat the other day. We were on our way out the door to a Pirates game and I got distracted and forgot to say goodbye.